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Rock climbing Rock climbing course ages 6-8

Level 1: You have never practiced.
Level 2: You have some initial experience.
Level 3: You practice occasionally.
Level 4: You practice regularly.
Level 5: You have a sustained practice.
This climbing course, designed for children aged 6 to 8, will help them gradually develop their technical skills while gaining independence and confidence. They will learn to equip themselves independently and properly tie into their harness, discover belaying techniques, and perfect their counter-belaying skills, which are essential for being a reliable partner. As they climb higher, they will learn to use their feet and hands effectively. This course will also give them the opportunity to develop their communication skills, using the appropriate vocabulary to interact with their partners, while exploring the concept of roped climbing and the responsibilities that come with it within the team.
The course is led by a state-certified climbing instructor, specialized in working with young children, ensuring a safe and enriching experience with an adapted teaching approach. To ensure optimal progression towards autonomy, registration is only available for the 4 days. For children aged 9 and above, please refer to our course for 9-12 year olds.
Teaching approaches implemented
- Various sectors to discover different types of rock and difficulty levels
- Games, zip lines, timers, rappels, and swings
Group booking associates children who do not necessarily know each other. It is ideal for enjoying the dynamics of the group
Dates (group booking) : See online booking. The mentioned day corresponds to the first day of the course
Supervision (group booking) : Group from 4 to 8 children per state-certified instructor
Departure (group booking) : The course is guaranteed with a minimum of 4 children enrolled
Prices 2025 (group booking) : 310€
This price includes :
- State-certified instructor services
- technical gear : harness, helmet, carabineer, belay device, rope
This price does not include :
- rock climbing shoes
- Picinic
- snack and water
In this section, find all the information about this activity. For further information, please contact our advisor.
Schedules : 9am - 4pm, Monday to Thursday
Meeting time and place : Every day at the climbing crag
Monday : Les Chavants - Les Houches
Tuesday : Servoz - Plaine St jean
Wednesday : Les Gaillands - Chalet accueil
Thurday : Compagnie des Guides office in Chamonix - Train to Vallorcine
Level : This climbing course is intended for children aged 6 to 8, regardless of their skill level
Formality : Make sure you have valid individual liability insurance for the practice of this activity without any location or altitude restrictions, including assistance, search and rescue, and repatriation
Documents available for download
Find in this section all the information about the different equipment that is required
- Back pack to store the clothes
- Rock climbing shoes recommended
- Classic clothings adapted for sport
- A pair of sun glasses
- High protection sun cream
- A hat
- A water bottle that contains a minimum 1,5 L
- Picnic
- Snacks
Our Rental Partners : You can rent your equipment with our rental shops partners and benefit from special price Millet (excluding crampons, ice axes and helmet), Sanglard Sports, Ravanel & Co & Concept Pro Shop
Our Equipment Partners : Millet, Dynastar, Julbo, Grivel & Monnet
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Calculate your carbon footprint
Discover the carbon emissions of this activity and add your trip to the meeting point.
CO2 emitted per person for the activity: 12 kg. Learn out more about the footprint calculation of this activity
CO2 emitted per person for the activity: 12 kg. Learn out more about the footprint calculation of this activity
CO2 emitted per person for this activity & journey(s) = 0 kgIn order to limit global warming to +2°C by 2100, the COP-21 agreement stipulates that each human should emit no more than 2t of CO2 per year. According to the French Ministry of Ecology, today European citizens emit an average of 11t per year, and American citizens emit an average of 21t annually., or 1.2€The price for a ton of CO2 is currently 100€ in the European Union to offset.
Find out more about our zero impact strategy.