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Guide exams
My search criteria
5 days
Training for the tests of the Mountain leader entrance exam
Level 1: You have never practiced.
Level 2: You have some initial experience.
Level 3: You practice occasionally.
Level 4: You practice regularly.
Level 5: You have a sustained practice.
15 days
Training for the ski test of the mountain guide entrance exam
Level 1: You have never practiced.
Level 2: You have some initial experience.
Level 3: You practice occasionally.
Level 4: You practice regularly.
Level 5: You have a sustained practice.
20 days
Training for the orientation, varied terrain, ice, and climbing tests of the mountain guide entrance exam
Level 1: You have never practiced.
Level 2: You have some initial experience.
Level 3: You practice occasionally.
Level 4: You practice regularly.
Level 5: You have a sustained practice.